Combo Training Courses


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How Emotional Intelligence Drives Performance

Leaders unknowingly set the tone of their organization, influencing their team’s behavior, especially during times of change and uncertainty. Neuroscience reveals that people tend to mimic their leaders, making emotional intelligence a critical factor in leadership effectiveness. Leaders lacking emotional intelligence experience consequences such as lower engagement, interpersonal conflict, and higher turnover rates. On the other hand, emotionally intelligent leaders perform over 40 percent higher, according to research.

This course focuses on developing high-performance leaders through self-awareness, stress tolerance, and interpersonal relationships. Utilizing a neuroscience-based perspective, participants will learn practical tools and techniques and have the opportunity to apply them personally. The course concludes by addressing common derailers that may hinder a leader’s success, empowering participants to become effective and influential leaders in their organizations.

Unlocking Happiness to Boost Productivity

Unlock the transformative potential of happiness and delve into evidence-based tools and techniques rooted in positive psychology to enhance focus, cultivate a positive outlook, and gain clarity of purpose. This course offers practical insights and subtle strategies that ignite energy and elevate performance, leading to lasting brain changes for a more fulfilling life. Engage with thought-provoking worksheets, experience immediate shifts, and establish a solid foundation for enduring happiness. Additionally, learn how to effectively coach others in order to foster innovation, achievement, and exceptional teamwork.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn strategies to reverse stress and create new ways of thinking
  • Discover processes to transform negativity into optimism and innovation
  • Learn tools to leverage your attitude and perspective for peak performance
  • Learn to reverse stress and create new ways of thinking
  • Learn to coach and foster achievement and success in others


  • Discovery Call
    Talk with Michelle about how to become a star performer.
  • Access to replays
    This course is on-demand and can be accessed by anyone in your organization.
  • Science of possibility work book
    Use the latest neuroscience to rewire your brain and create new possibilities
  • Emotional intelligence development tools
    Practical evidenced-based worksheets and references to support your learning.
  • Derailer Detector
    Identify your blind spots which can hinder your performance and reduce your EQ and IQ.
