Managing Misunderstandings and Conflict


Managing Misunderstandings and Conflicts is an indepth course designed to equip participants with essential tools and skills to effectively address and resolve misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace and at home.

The course delves into the root causes of conflict, how and why we get entangled in conflict, explores stress responses, communication techniques, and provides 4 ways to rewire your default response. Through interactive discussions, case studies and worksheets, participants will learn in class how to create a new game plan when facing conflict. 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to diffuse misunderstandings, create a space to chose a new stance, be able to validate the other’s emotions, and know how to reduce adrenaline and see a way through most conflict.

Your instructor, Michelle Anne is a Leadership Coach and Executive, Harvard-trained in Neuroscience and Leadership, Professional Certified Master Neuro Coach, Diplomat American Institute of Stress, and a member of the Forbes Coaches Council. She is published at CNN, NBC, and Harvard Medical School Institute of Coaching.


AFTER PURCHASING:  You will receive an email with all details –  like dates, times, webinar links and any handouts

