MENTAL HEALTH Awareness Month


Brain Health & Cognitive Fitness:

Are you Mentally as sharp as your age?

In this course, Harvard trained expert Michelle Anne, will bring you a six-step plan for boosting your brain health and cognitive capacity. You’ll learn about cognitive reserve – the brains ability to find alternate ways to do something. Understand how to reverse negative thought patterns. Challenge your brain to create new narratives that have the power to influence your financial security, relationships and career success. Learn the internal and external factors that are critical for memory. Explore different tools and strategies that will rewire your brain structure and function. You’ll get quizzes, downloadable printable worksheets, games, puzzles, and lots more to help motivate you to keep your mind sharp and mindset positive for life.

Learning Objectives
– Understand cognitive fitness: your number 1 goal
– How to test your cognitive function
– Uncover personal derailers that are blocking your success
– How to use neuroscience to rewire your mindset

DATE: May 9, 2023, 3:00pm – 4:00pm ET
